Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Macbeth Images

This image shows the witches bowing down to Macbeth. I chose this picture because it displays the respect that the witches have for Macbeth. It also displays the power that Macbeth holds.

I chose this picture of the witches because it displays their masculine side. When people think of a witch they think of a female but in Macbeth they are manly. 

Monday, September 26, 2011


Ambition is a strong desire to do or achieve something. I believe that having ambition is a positive thing but it can also have a few down falls. With out ambition, one has no drive to achieve something. A dental student will never be about to run his own practice with out a little ambition. A high school student wont be able to get into college with out ambition. There are a lot of positives to having ambition but it also has its dark side. If ones ambition is so strong they might step on someone to make it to the top. Someone with strong ambition can lose sight of things that are more important then control and power. Even though it is encouraged to have ambition, not everyone has it. Ambition was to be something acquired because you want it more than anything and not everyone has a goal to reach for.

32 second Macbeth

In this blog past we were asked to explain what might have happened in the play and comment on the nature of the play.
In the 32 second Macbeth, Actor 4 is killed by his wife and Macbeth is hailed king. Then Macbeth is killed and Actor 8 is hailed king. The 32 second Macbeth makes absolutely no sense. It didn’t tell me what character said what line and has left me completely confused. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Homer's Dumpster

In the novel Homer and Langley, the author constantly noted how the brothers lived in complete filth. I chose this picture because it helps a reader understand how unsanitary their home was. The author said that Homer and Langley’s house had rats crawling through the walls and ceiling, newspapers piled up to the ceiling and garbage everywhere. After seeing this picture, I can now really understand what filth they live in and now it could potentially be life threatening. Homer became so paranoid about people trying to get into his home that he created booby traps, but in doing so he created a dangerous situation for himself and his brother leading to his death. Homer was paralyzed and couldn’t move so Langley had to take care of him. One night Langley was crawling through the piles of newspapers when he got caught in his own booby trap and died. A few days later, Homer died from starvation and malnutrition. Rats that lived in their mansion ate both of their bodies. Using this picture as a visual really helps me understand their circumstances.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Personal Learning Networks

There are many reasons why we as students should care about literature. When reading literature it opens up a new world.  Students can get a better understand as too why an author thinks a certain way. It can change your perspective on things.  Reading literature also expands your vocabulary. Many times while reading, you stumble upon a word that you are not familiar with. You look up the word and then little by little your vocabulary gets bigger. Reading literature for other cultures can also make you more familiar with their way of life and often times their dialect. Using Personal Learning Networks opens the door to more resources of learning. Many teachers may have knowledge in a certain topic but Personal Learning Networks allow you to find hundreds of resources. When a blog is posted, the blogger can attach links and videos that can redirect you to another site. In doing so you can broaden your knowledge that is from a subjective point of view. There also might be a down side to personal learning networks. The information may not be reliable.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Hi im Aliya

Hi my name is Aliya. I have blonde hair and green eyes. My Birthday is on February 28 and I’m 17. I am the youngest of a family of 5. Darren is the eldest (26) then Elana (21), Ari and Zack (19) and me. Ari, Zack, Elana and I are all adopted. Ari and Zack came from a Native American family. My mom is from South Carolina and we don’t know who my father is. Growing up in such a diverse family has been interesting but I love them. My parents founded Pearls Arts and Crafts in 1933. Coming from an artist family inspired me to be an artist. Even though I have an artist side I am also athletic. Before I was a cheerleader, I was a gymnast for 6 years but I had to quit due to chronic injuries. I went to Park Avenue gymnastics and was on the gold level. Instead of going by number levels, they go by colors. Red is the lowest and gold is the highest. I joined cheerleading because I still get to do a lot of things I would in gymnastics with out getting injured so often. I’ve been cheerleading for 5 years total but I’ve only been on the North Broward team for two. I was given a captain position my first year on the team and since then I’ve been striving to make our team better. After high school I want to study sociology and criminology. I would like to pursue a career in criminal psychology.