Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Importance of Sea Turtles

Photo taken from Oceana blog
Recently I've been writing a lot about Sea Turtles and what they do for our Oceans. I touched based on what professionals and researchers think but i haven't mentioned my opinion. Many people don't understand why we try so hard to conserve our oceans and protect the sea turtles. Not only do Turtles maintain a balance in the oceans. They also are important economically. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is trying to raise awareness by promoting ecotourism at marine turtle sites. This way tourist see how easily endangered the species is and they will help protect them. I think that if people are are aware of how important these creatures are to our ecosystem, then they would be more cautious. Since sea turtles are so under the radar, it is in the hands of aquariums and tourist attractions to educate their importance.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Something Borrowed: Character Similarities

The assignment was to discuss the similarities and differences between a character and yourself.
The novel Something Borrowed has many different characters but there is one that sticks out the most. In every good story, there are two character types. There is one that is sweet and quite and then there is the loud and driven one. Darcy’s’ character is determined to get what she wants no matter what. She sets her eyes on the prize and would do anything to win it. She reminds me a lot of myself. We both aspire to be the best at everything we do, and want the best of everything. Darcy had the dream life that everyone wanted, including her best friend Rachel. But things werent always what they seemed to be. Everyone thought that she was living the life but inside she was living a lie. She didn’t want people to see her imperfections. In many ways we are similar; I don’t like to fail, I strive for the best and I hate letting people see my imperfections. Darcy was always the successful one and when things didn’t go as planned with her fiancĂ© she didn’t want people to see she’s hurting. Darcy’s character is was strong woman who could make it though anything life threw at her. This reminds me a lot of myself because no matter what is going on in my life, I have goals set and I will meet them.
I think that the author Emily Giffin did a fantastic job with her character selection. She wanted her readers to be able to relate to the events and the troubles the characters are facing. Having characters that are so relatable make for a more interesting story. Everyone has that friend who wants his or her life and Giffin made that a point in the novel because she knew it would be relatable.
“My wants are simple, a job I like and a guy whom I love”
This is a quote from the book spoken by Darcy. I picked this quote because I think it sums up who Darcy is and why she reminds me of myself. I think every girl wants that in life and that is why her character is so relatable. 

This is a photo of Rachel(left) and Darcy(right).  
Best friends since they were 6 and never thought that would change
as soon as it did. Photo is taken from the film version of the novel.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sea Turtles Work for the Oceans

Antigua Sea Turtle Project focuses on the importance of the survival of the species. In one of their blog posts they discussed how much sea turtles actually do in the oceans. There are two "feeding turtles" that keep our reefs in check. The green sea turtles are know to be loyal to their feeding ground. Their beaks have finely serrated edges that allow the green turtle to tear off grass or algae. Green sea turtles graze the bottom of the ocean and remove the older portions of grass. Doing so keeps the grass nutrient rich and benefits the other fish living in the grassy area. The turtles also break down hard, poisonous sponge so the other animals can feed on the softer parts.Green turtles keep the balance in a coral reef and grassy area. The other species of sea turtles is a leatherback. They are the largest and most common. These turtles consume 440 pounds of jellyfish a day, making them the largest consumers in the system. Leatherback turtles keep the jellyfish population in check through the sea. 
Green Sea Turtles are grass grazers. This photo was taken from the
projects blog. 
I think that Antigua Sea Turtle Project posted this blog because they wanted to show readers that turtles do play a large role in the ocean. In a previous blog they mentioned the importance of preserving the beaches during nesting season and how to help sea turtles make it to the sea. They want to make sure readers know that sea turtles have a job and that they need to be protected. Without these turtles, our reefs will be overgrown and there would be a shortage of fish in the sea. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Something Borrowed

My group will be reading the book something borrowed by Emily Giffin. Most of the action takes place in the heart of New York. The characters in the book so far have very different personalities. Darcy is the outgoing, center of attention. She always needs to one up her best friend Rachel. Rachel is the laid back bookworm who let her best friend Darcy, always win. Dexter is Rachel's law school friend who fell for Darcy. So far my favorite character is Darcy. She is smart but knows how to have fun, unlike Rachel. I think that Darcy and Dexter are going to date but things aren't going to go as planned. The setting doesn't have much affect on the characters other than thats where they all live. Hopefully the setting will be more meaningful later on in the book.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sea Turtle Nesting

 Oceana posted an article to inform beach goers about turtle nesting season. Sea turtles are they type of animal that does what it needs to do, and leaves. They are very kept to themselves and for this reason we do not have much information about them. Heres some information provided by Oceana. 
From May 1st through October 31st is turtle nesting season. During this time, any construction by the beach is avoided in order to protect the nesting habitat. Mother turtles come ashore in the dark, dig a hole in the sand, and lay 100-150 eggs at a time. Over the course of the season, mother turtles can lay up to 8 nests. After 45-70 days, the baby turtles hatch and make their way to sea. They follow the reflection on the moon to get to the ocean. If there are lights on near the beach, the baby turtles will mistake them for the moon and end up killing themselves. In effort to protect the baby sea turtles, a protection fence is built. A man made dune is put by an entrance to the road and blocked off with a fence. This stops the turtles from going into traffic.
I think it is important that organizations and awareness groups continue to post information about sea turtles. Many people don't understand the importance of the sea turtle nesting season and they don't know how to take precautions. Sea turtles are an endangered species and if people knew more about their nesting and hatching, we could change that.
This clip is of a sea turtle laying its eggs in Indonesia. I added it to this blog because it shows how precious the hatching of a sea turtle is. Hopefully this video will inspire my readers to want to learn more about the turtles and how to protect them. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sea Turtles Intro

Hello my name is Aliya. I am going to be researching the life of sea turtles and the dangers they face in the out of the sea world! I love sea turtles because they are the only animals that have to find their way to life on their own. The life of sea turtles is quite a complicated one and later on in this blog i will go into more detail. 
This video will give you some knowledge about Sea Turtles and touches base on what i will be discussing later in my blog. It was made my discovery and Sea World. Their experts want people to be more knowledgeable about sea turtles any why their life is in danger.  

Monday, April 2, 2012

Night Life essay description

In my essay I will be discussing the chapter “night life”. This chapter discusses the life that Rat Kiely had to experience in Japan. Soldiers were seeing and hearing things and going through series of psychoticness. All the soldiers had troubles while in war but Rat’s were so severe that it drove him to self-harm. In “night life” Rat’s delusions and voices became so frequent that he went to extremes to be taken out of duty. My essay is going to elaborate on the real life issues that solders encounter and the ones that Tim O’Brian discuss in the book. 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Our awesome presentation blog

1. Create a strategy and a plan of action for how you will relate your session to all the previous ones.

2. Create a character profile for the main character of each story. Who are they? What are they carrying and why?
Stockings: The main character of this story was Henry Dobbins. He was a good man and a good soldier. Henry Dobbins was a big strong man with good intentions, a good friend who was always there when you needed him, a believer in the virtues of simplicity and directness and hard labor. He carried his girlfriends pantyhose, because he said they were his good luck charm. He would breathe in the scent and was intrigued by the memories it brought back. The pantyhose gave him access to a spiritual world, a world of hope that he would come home alive and get to see his girlfriend again. Even after his girlfriend dumped him he still used the pantyhose as a good luck charm insisting the magic didn’t go away.
Style: The main characters of this story are Azar, Henry Dobbins, Lieutenant Cross & the dancing girl. Henry Dobbins carries his girlfriends pantyhose for good luck. Lieutenant Cross carried letters from Martha, a girl he is obsessed with. He feels safe reading them and likes the fantasies they bring. The girl just dances because it is her way of coping with her dead family and she likes to dance.
Night Life: The main character of this story is Rat Kiley. He is a good medic and a good soldier. His intentions are good, and he helps his fellow soldiers whenever they need him or are hurt. He seems like nice guy that just likes comic books, however he has a hard time telling the truth, and sometimes stretches the truth in his stories. He carried many things from comic books to a satchel full of medication because he was a medic to brandy and M&M’s candy.
3. What is important about “style?” What does the title come to mean?
Style is important because it is one persons way of expressing themselves. The girl had a specific style of dancing and enjoyed doing it, but Azar felt the need to mock her dancing and do the same but as a joke. The girl expressed herself by her method of dancing that she enjoyed very much. She wasn’t doing it to be funny or to get made fun of, she was dancing simply because she liked to dance. Dancing may have helped her cope with the loss of her family. The title comes to mean that everyone has their own style in order to express themselves. Expressing yourself is important because everyone is different and entitled to their own styles. The title gives meaning to the story and shows that this girl had a different tradition of dancing than the American soldiers did.
4. What types of bravery might the stories convey?
All three stories convey different types of bravery. The main characters in these stories are all brave men for participating in the war in the first place. It takes a lot for one man to go to war. In “Stockings” I think there are two types of bravery conveyed; emotional and spiritual. Henry Dobbins was always drawn towards sentimentality and the pantyhose as his good luck charm gave him access to a spiritual world, where things were soft and intimate. In “Style” I think the type of bravery shown is moral courage. Azar feels the need to mimic the girls dancing which is wrong, his intentions may have been good but he acted out disrespectfully about someone’s style of dancing that he didn’t understand. In “Night Life” I think this story conveys emotional courage. Rat Kiley fears operation and doesn’t know if he’s cut out to be a medic. He states that body parts haunt him at night and the soldiers that passed seemed so alive, then so dead. He was so nervous and freaking out that he shot himself in the foot to cause his own injury and be dismissed from duty.
5. Why do some men love war? Consider passages in the stories that could help answer or dispute the question.
Some men love war because they agree with what they are fighting for. They will give everything to defend their country and fight for what they believe in. The men get to mock the values they are fighting for. War gives them a sense of danger, a reason to act brutally and harshly. Why some men love war is built off of contradictory reasons, some easily discussed while others are hard to talk about. The love of war stems from a variety of different things such as destruction, beauty and horror, love and death. Going to war gives them a sense of bravery and loyalty to their country as well as heroism for defending their country.
6. Discuss the style of writing in these stories: word choice, imagery, figurative language, sentence type, etc.
Each story conveys a different meaning because each story focuses on a different character. The word choice, imagery, and language in “Night Life” is a little softer and more sympathetic given that Rat Kiley is the main character and it discusses how he is afraid of operation, and becomes so emotional that he injures himself just to get called off duty. The word choice, imagery, and language in “Style” for example expresses how harsh Azar was for making fun of the girls dancing and mimicking her for no reason. Henry Dobbins becomes angry with Azar’s disrespect and tells him to dance right or he will drop him down the well for being so disrespectful to the girls style of dancing and emotions. In “Stockings” the word choice, imagery, and language was average because it was just a story about how a good man used his girlfriends pantyhose as a good luck charm, it was a short story about how the magic helped him feel safe and kept him going through tough times.
7. Compare what you learn about the characters in these three stories to what you learned about them in the first story, “The things they carried.” Have they changed? Has your impression of them changed? Why and how?
I think that a couple characters made a turn around from their personalities and motives in the beginning of the book to the end. Lieutenant Cross used to be obsessed with Martha and would carry around letters that he hoped were love letters, and fantasize about all the things he would do to Martha if she were there, etc. He blames himself for the deaths of Ted Lavender and Kiowa because he had been so occupied with his unrealistic love with Martha, and his tendency to follow orders despite his better judgement. As the story progresses he gets better at putting the Alpha Company first and his unrealistic love for Martha second. He does the best he can to keep his men safe and be a better leader, as well as use his better judgement and not second guess it. Another character I think made a small turn around was Azar. He started off as a disrespectful, cruel, unsympathetic soldier who didn’t care about anyone’s feelings and would do mean things just to get a laugh or two. He made fun of a young girl dancing because her style was different than most but she just enjoyed dancing. My impression of him changed when he demonstrated some kind of humanity and was forced to help pull Kiowa’s body from the sewage field. That moment of remorse he shared probed that their a a breaking point for every soldier even one who uses cruelty as their defense mechanism.
8. What kind of multi-media, documents, and sources can you use to make your presentation a solid, coherent, in-depth, and challenging? Keep in mind that you have to use the book, no matter what.
I can use a variety of different text from the stories as well as audio clips that have to do with the Vietnam War, along with pictures or video’s portraying the Vietnamese War and the conditions of the soldiers in it. I can also use clips portraying the characters in the stories. To make my presentation a solid, coherent, in-depth, and challenging I can use trivia that quiz’s the class on the stories so they understand what they read and can experience in depth what the character went through. Each story shared a different point of view from a different character, along with what they carried and why they carried it. Each man was different and conveyed different aspects such as bravery. Some were more emotional, some more spiritual, etc. To further understand the personalities of the characters the class would need to be aware of what they were reading and develop their own interpretations of the character.
9. How will you ensure that the audience participates attentively throughout?
To ensure that the audience participates attentively throughout the presentation my group is making a quiz about each of the stories to challenge the class on what they read, and to help them further understand the stories, and understand the different characters. I think this is a good idea because it will help keep the class intrigued and paying attention throughout the presentation as well as listen and understand what they are listening to as well as reading themselves.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Group Discussion

We are currently reading a work of fiction closely, and we are preparing for student-led discussion sessions. What are your expectations? What do you expect from your group? What do you expect from the other students in the class? What do you expect from me, the teacher?

My expectations for our group led discussion are that the class will come well prepared. The students will be engaged in the discussion and will want to keep the conversation going. My expectations for our group are that well we asking leading questions for the class to answer and have a lot of material to present. My expectations for the teacher are that he will guide us in the right direction if we veer off path and that he will help the discussion go smoothly.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Things I'd Carry

If I were to go away forever and could only take 5 things I would bring; my laptop, my snuffy, my glasses, a watch and my phone. These are the most important "material" things to me. My boyfriend bought me a stuffed animal named snuffy and I can't go on vacation without it cause it's like a little piece of him. I am almost legally blind so I need my glasses especially if I'm going on vacation so I can see all the beautiful sights. I would need to pack my watch because without it I feel naked. I like to be on time for things and without a watch I'd be lost. I would need to take my phone so I can keep in touch with all of my friends and family back home. Op? H. Y

Friday, January 27, 2012

Grendel and The Shaper

In Grendel, the shaper paints a picture of a beautiful world in Hart. Even though this world that he had created is fictional, people believe him. The shaper’s stories give the people hope that the world could be a better, happier place and they want that so they believe him. Grendel’s true story isn’t as happy and bright as the shapers therefore people don’t want to listen to him. No one wants to listen to a pessimist. I couldn’t find an artist that actually paints these pictures but I did find a person that wanted to believe in brighter days. After the Chinese revolution the Chinese wanted a happier more fulfilling life. Mao Zedong promised his people that things would get better. He painted this picture of the perfect life that could only be created after the revolution. Unfortunately Mao’s plans failed and the Chinese Revolution wasn’t as successful as they planned. The Chinese people were optimists and they wanted to believe anything Mao said, just like the people of Hart. They wanted a better life so they were optimistic and fell into the lies of the shaper. This angered Grendel because he saw the savage past and no one believed him.