Omen- an occurrence or phenomenon believed to portend a future event
Prow- a pointed projecting front part
Plough- chiefly british variant of plow
Belie- to give a false impression of
Assailant- one who attacks violently with blows or words
Chafe-to irritate or vex
Unscathed-wholly unharmed
Ample- of larger or great size, amount, extent, or capacity; more than enough
Oppression- the act of subjugating by cruelty; a feeling of being heavily weighed down in mind or body
Venture- an undertaking that is dangerous daring or of uncertain outcome; a business enterprise involving some risk in the expectation of gain
Harrow- archaic: to plunder or sack; modern: a farm implement for plowing; to inflice distress or torment on
Dwindle- to become gradually less until little remains
Dissuade- to turn away from, by persuasion
Loathsome-highly offensive, arousing aversion or disgust
Then Beowulf made his last boast:
"I ventured many battles
in my youth; now, old,
I will seek another,
try again for glorious
deeds, if that avenger
will come out."
Beowulf is expressing his need to go out and fight again. He wants to feel the power of winning and being a hero.
Many people want to feel that they are needed in real life. When people feel that need they go and serve for out country or protect our cities.
He thought of home
but could not go
in a ring-prowed ship
against the sea storm,
against the wind.
Beowulf feels a moment of weakness when he cant fight against the power of the sea.
Many people feel that on a daily basis: that they are helpless and powerless.